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Too Good to Miss

This is where you'll find items that are in limited quantity, are overstocked, or have other peculiarities. For example, you might find a yarn we have left over, sold as a lot instead of by the skein. Or maybe you'd like a mystery bag of different yarns to familiarize yourself with different fibers, weights and textures. Or maybe you'd like a selection of yarns and patterns suitable for charity knitting. Or maybe....???
Don't miss these specials
1 of 1 Items
  • Ball of Perla

    Perla Silky Chenille Yarn

    Perla by Lang Perla is a silk fringe yarn -- pure luxury! The soft silk cord has tiny silk fringe attached that gives the finished fabric a lush, textured look, complete with the shiny luster of the finest silk. The fabric is plush, like chenille, but...

    MSRP: $21.95
1 of 1 Items